Sam Gaitan

COntact Info
- 806-470-2996
Sam Gaitan is a painter/illustrator under the name Raicodoll, a CASP Studio Artist, member of the 806 Collective, and co-organizer of the Oddities Art Market and the Moonlight Market. Her work has been featured in various venues across Lubbock, Texas and features a dark nature aesthetic. In 2019, she put together a semi-interactive Horror exhibit out of CASP Studio C centered around phobias that allowed the audience to interactive with the environment. In 2020, she produced a follow up exhibit titled “Body Horror” about a traumatic hospital incident. Outside of her own work, she produces various art markets to support the local small artist and business community and recently created The Little Crow’s Market, Lubbock’s first art vending machine that hosts over a dozen local creators.