COntact Info


The ROCK MASONS Band is comprised of 4 guys that have been around the musical block a few times. Co-founders Ron Reid and Kevin Rankin had been together for 10 years with band members coming and going until they came across Eddy Weir. “We thought he was going to be just another guitarist who would come in and play with us for a little while and then leave,” said Ron. Kevin stated, “He had been playing with us for about a month and we noticed that he could really shred on the guitar. So one day while we were taking a break from practice Ron said,” Hey!, you know you can really play that thing. Who taught you to play like that?”
“My Uncle,” said Eddy.
“Oh, yeah? Does he live here in Lubbock?”
He use to live here.
Where is he now?
In the Lubbock Cemetery.
I’m so sorry for your loss. When did he die?
My Uncle died in a plane crash on Feb. 3rd, 1959…

Kevin and I sat with our mouths open for what seemed like an eternity. “Wait a minute! Are you telling me that your Uncle was BUDDY HOLLY?”
“Yeah, that was him,” Eddy said with a shrug.
“WTF,” Ron said. “Why didn’t you tell us before?” “Because I’m tired of being known as Buddy’s Nephew. I want to be known as a great guitarist in my own right!” He said.

Eddy, Kevin, and Ron were all playing in a different band at the time. The Leader and Guitarist of this other band did not like Eddy because Eddy could play a lot better than him. So, Eddy and Ron, and Kevin broke away and formed the ROCK MASONS. They rounded out the new band with Bassist Phil Huval and never looked back.
“Every one of us can get the senior discount at the restaurant,” Eddy said. “We play because we like it and it keeps us young, Besides, I can’t keep running away from who I am related to. I realized it was time to embrace it and become a cheerleader for Buddy instead of being embarrassed by it”

Eddy went on to say, “We try not to make a big deal out of it. But, somehow people seem to find out. The great thing about it is, when the word gets out it sure helps pack the house! And the tip jar!”


Classic Rock, Blues, Country, and a bunch of Buddy Holly thrown in. We are the perfect Road House Dive Bar Band!