Bristen Lee Phillips (Matador Mural Team)

COntact Info



My name is Bristen Lee Phillips.
I’m a 7th generation Texan, third generation Texas Tech Red Raider.
I learned to paint in my grandparents ceramic shop in Turkey, Tx.
I painted my first mural for the city of Crandall in 1998, and painted many murals around the DFW area before graduating from Texas Tech in 2015 with a degree in painting and drawing. The music and art scene in Lubbock is a big influence on my work. Painting for legendary music venue The Bluelight Live taught me a lot about the effects of color, sound, iconic imagery, and neon. The breathtaking skies of the flatland and surrounding canyons have always been my refuge. I’ve spent a lot of time exploring those canyons and thinking about their history. A theme that makes a regular appearance in my work. In 2023 my buddy Santiago Rodriguez expressed an interest in learning to paint. So, I started bringing him with me. That same year my mother retired from over 40 years of teaching, and she helps us out with babysitting when we need to go on the road. I let my kids work on everything I do, they love to paint and I want this to be their’s one day. My wife Sarah is a successful graphic designer in her own right and helps me with video work and social media. The selection process for most murals typically includes a board of people making decisions. It made me realize that it takes a lot more than just me to paint a mural. We call it Matador Mural Team.