The Bluelight Live

COntact Info
- 1806 Buddy Holly Ave.
- 806-762-1185
For Lubbock songwriters, 1806 Buddy Holly Ave. is sacred ground. On the street named for Lubbock’s favorite son, The Blue Light Live‘s family of musicians keep the music alive, standing on the same stage that raised legends like the Josh Abbott Band, Wade Bowen, William Clark Green, Red Shahan, Brandon Adams, Flatland Cavalry, Dalton Domino, and Randall King just to name a few.
In an interview with Dalton Domino, he recalls Dustin Six, co-owner at Blue Light Live, promising him, “You’ll never find another room that’s like this room or the energy and spirit that’s in these walls.” Ghost signs, murals by Bristen Phillips and “faces pinned like tattoos on the wall” give the songwriter haven its character. The venue’s famed, habanero-infused Apple Burn shots, its diverse crowd of music lovers and delightful bartenders give it a pulse. But what gives The Blue Light Live its soul is the musicians who cut their teeth there every Monday night at Songwriter’s Night.
They play at many venues around and outside of town, but living in Lubbock, can’t-miss songwriters call The Blue Light Live home, sharing a stage and proverbial bloodline with all who came before them.
Notes for Musicians
First And Foremost: A Word About Stage Volume
“If it sucks and you turn it up, it just sucks louder
The Blue Light Live currently does not provide a backline.
Opening bands: it is your responsibility to make backline arrangements with the headliner, not ours. We can facilitate communication between you and the headliner if you do not already have a working relationship with them.
Stage Info
24′ x 10′ w/ 6′ x 2′ downstage center extension
8x grounded quads upstage, 3x downstage with extensions
Midas DL 32 digital stage box
Mapco and MLK analog stage snake
Equipment Provided
Plenty of short stands and boom stands to go around. If you prefer your own, bring them.
Shure Beta 58’s
Shure SM 58
SM 57’s
Sure Beta 87
Audix OM7
Audi OM2
Sennheiser e835
Audio-Technica ATA 2010
Audix D4
Audix D6
Audix D2
Audix F10
Sennheiser e906
Shure SM57
Consoles: Midas M32
Mains: JBL AM7315/95 & AM7315/64
Subs: JBL STX 828s Duel 18 subwoofers
Signal Processors: BSS BLU-100 & BSS BLU-BOB2
All power provided by Crown and QSC Audio.
3 mixes downstage and 1 upstage with drum sub
12″ & 15″ JBL PRX400 (2x per mix) powered by (4) QSC PLX1204
QSC K12 movable 5th mix